The Warren and Charlie Show at Berkshire Hathaway’s Annual Meetings

Berkshire Hathaway Annual Meetings

Berkshire Hathaway Annual Meetings

At the Berkshire Hathaway annual shareholders meetings in Omaha, Warren Buffet and Charlie Munger sit at the center of the stage in front of a dark sea of shareholders. Warren Buffet first fields questions from the audience and a panel of journalists and stock analysts. Warren answers them and will ramble on a bit in his unique way (often with a one-liner or two mixed in) for a few minutes.

Then, Warren will look over to his partner and query, “Charlie?” Then Charlie Munger will either lean in and make a sharp, critical, pithy, often derisive comment (which usually extracts gasps or loud chuckles from the audience) or simply remark, “I have nothing to say,” which can be entertaining particularly after a long-winded digression from Warren Buffett.

Berkshire Hathaway annual shareholders meetings are normally held on the first Saturday of May in Omaha, Nebraska.

Berkshire Hathaway Annual Meetings

Berkshire Hathaway Annual Meetings

Berkshire Hathaway Annual Meetings

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