Behavioral Interview Questions by Competency: Leadership

Behavioral Interview Questions: Leadership

Leadership is the ability to influence the actions and opinions of others in a desired direction; to exhibit judgment in lading others to worthwhile objectives.

  • Behavioral Interview Question: “Give me an example of how you have used your own personal qualities and appeals to lead others.”
    Evaluating the candidate’s answer: Did the candidate make a presentation with an emphasis on feelings rather than facts, perhaps using metaphors/examples/stories to express the feeling? Was there little skill in using another person’s emotions to influence his/her decision?
  • Behavioral Interview Question: “Communications and leadership go hand in hand. Give me an example of a time when your communication skills were powerful enough to enable you to influence the way others thought or acted, even in a very difficult situation.”
    Evaluating the candidate’s answer: Did the candidate prepare a message, with careful choice of words, in order to be effective in light of individual/situational needs? Was there some reluctance to communicate, an absence of preparation, and/or an overuse of authority?
  • Behavioral Interview Question: “Give me an example of a time when you used facts and reason to persuade another person to take action. Be specific.”
    Evaluating the candidate’s answer: Did the candidate make an organized presentation, making benefit statements, dealing with concerns, and/or asking for a decision? Was there little/superficial attempt to influence?

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